The Camp Spirit Fund was established as a non-profit in 2006. The mission of the fund is to provide financial support to deserving boys so they may attend Camp Wachusett.Your contributions support this goal and give these boys the opportunity to enjoy the same camp experiences that many of you had—and all of the members of your Camp Spirit Fund Board of Directors have had—for many years to come.

Founded in 1903, Wachusett is one of the oldest camps in New England. By supporting the Camp Spirit Fund you can ensure that boys will experience life at camp for years to come.
Stop for a moment and consider your circle of close friends. How many of these men did you first meet in a cabin at Camp Wachusett? Your donation to the Camp Spirit Fund could help others forge lifelong friendships just like yours.

Over the years, much has changed both at camp and in the world. Fortunately, at Wachusett much remains the same: the spirit, fun, learning, camaraderie and the dedication of the alumni and their friends and family.
We encourage you to support the Camp Spirit Fund. No gift amount is too small, and your contributions are tax deductible. Online donations are completed through PayPal by clicking the donation button.You will be given the option to make a recurring donation on the PayPal page.You are also invited to mail a check payable to the Camp Spirit Fund to the address at the bottom of this page. Thank you very much.
Please download a copy of the application form at the button below.A complete copy of each parent/guardian’s prior two years Federal Income Tax Return must accompany your application form. If you have not filed in the past year, please send government documents citing income or benefits.ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED IN GOOD ORDER PRIOR TO JUNE 1ST EACH SUMMER.Questions about the application process can be emailed to Jeremy Herbert.
What is the mission of the Camp Spirit Fund?
The Camp Spirit Fund provides tuition assistance based on financial need to families of children so they may attend Camp Wachusett.What's the current capitalization of the Fund?
The Camp Spirit Fund currently lists net assets of approximately $100,000. There are no outstanding liabilities as all administration work is performed on a pro bono basis. As a result, 100% of the Fund's donations have gone in support of its mission.Who is on the Board of Directors of the Fund?
The members of the Board of the Camp Spirit Fund are listed below. All are alumni of Camp Wachusett in the capacity of camper and/or counselor.Jeremy Herbert
Brian T. Mathis
Maurice A. "Cito" Selinger
Stephen Harrison
Richard Q. Williams, Secretary/TreasurerThere is also an unofficial Camp Spirit Fund advisory board comprised of other alumni spanning all generations back to the 1950s.Is the Fund operated as a 501(c)(3) and/or is it otherwise tax-advantaged for donors?
Yes. The fund is a registered 501(c)(3) charity with the IRS. The Fund's tax ID number is: 20-0888395.We file annual tax returns on Form 990 with the IRS (available via Guidestar) and biennial annual reports with the State of Vermont.

The Camp Spirit Fund
c/o Richard Q. Williams
33 Mt Vernon Street
Charlestown, MA 02129